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interiér Jak demontovat zadní sedadla - montáž potahů


nový člen
Nová Mazda CX-30, Skyactiv G150, vybava plus, AWD, r. 2021
- kupil som si potahy sedadiel. vsetky som namontoval okrem zadnych sedadiel,
kde je v navode popis, že demontovat zad. sedadla a až tak pripevnit potahy sedadel.
No a hladam, kde zacat.
Ma s tym niekto skusenosti ?? Prosim poradit
A jak moc je chceš demontovat? Sedák nebo i opěradlo?

• When performing the procedure with a rear seat cushion removed from the vehicle, perform the procedure on a clean cloth so as not to damage or dirty the seat.
1.While moving the rear seat cushion lock levers in the direction of arrow (1) shown in the figure, lift up the rear seat cushion in the direction of arrows (2) and detach the rear seat cushion lock from the rear seat cushion.
2.While pressing the rear seat cushion in the direction of arrow (1) shown in the figure, lift up the rear seat cushion in the direction of arrow (2), move it in the direction of arrow (3), and detach it from the hook.
Poslední úprava:
• When performing the procedure with a rear seat back removed from the vehicle, perform the procedure on a clean cloth so as not to damage or dirty the seat.
• When removing the rear seat back from the vehicle or putting it back in, it can be performed easier by removing the head restraint.
1.Disconnect the negative battery terminal. (See NEGATIVE BATTERY TERMINAL DISCONNECTION/CONNECTION [(E)].)
2.Remove the following part:
(2)Rear center seat belt anchor (See REAR BUCKLE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
3.Fold the rear seat back.
4.Partially peel back the rear seat back trim and remove the bolts.
5.Remove the rear seat back.
6.Install in the reverse order of removal.
Dakujem pekne, pokusim sa,
...i ked ja som skor reprodukcny grafik a uvedeny navod som zlucil v SK jazyku aj s obrazkami do *.pdf suboru :) ...aby to iní mali ľahšie :)

Potahy na operadla som uz predtym dost pracne namontoval pri nedemontovanych operadlach. Asi to uz nebudem doladovat.
Sedadla budem musiet podla navodu nejako urobit.
Tazko sa mi hladaju tie páky (páka).

Este podotykam, ze mam mazdu CX-30 - Skyactive G - Mild Hybrid. - Dufam, že tento návod je presne na tento typ auta.
...no a kde je "Hybridná" (Litiova) 24 V bateria, to zatial neviem.


  • ZadSed-aj-operadla-demont.pdf
    217,7 KB · Zobrazení: 43
Poslední úprava:
"Hybridní "baterie by měla být vpředu pod sedadlem spolujezdce.
"Hybridné" batéria by mala byť vpredu pod sedadlom spolujazdca.
Nevidel som ju tam pocas montaze poťahov predných sedadiel. V nacrtku v manuali cx30 je nakreslena pri motore na lavej strane. Niekde inde som zasa cital, ze pod zad.sedadlami by mala byť. :(
• When performing the procedure with a rear seat back removed from the vehicle, perform the procedure on a clean cloth So as not to damage or dirty the seat.
• When removing the rear seat back from the vehicle or putting it back in, it can be performed easier by removing the head restraint.
1.Disconnect the negative battery terminal. (See NEGATIVE BATTERY TERMINAL DISCONNECTION / CONNECTION [(E)].)
2.Remove the following part:
(2) Rear centier seat belt anchor (See REAR BUCKLE REMOVAL / INSTALLATION.)
3.Fold the rear seat back.
4.Partially peel back the rear seat back trim and remove the Bolts.
5.Remove the rear seat back.
6.Install in the reverse order of removal.
Zobrazit přílohu 35081

Mazda CX-30 - SKYACTIV G 150 - Mild Hybrid, rocnik 2021
Zrejme nie som dosť sikovny, aby som podla uvedeného navodu demontoval zadné sedadlo.

... neviem najst uvedenú páku ani hák! Je to skutočne návod na tento typ ?